Starting 2010 off right!
Monday - I started the week off with another Boston training run. 21.5 miles starting at 10:30. This time I had a little larger breakfast and then a snack at 9:30 and then headed out. Chad dropped me off @ the Longleaf trace @ Jackson Rd and I ran home. So the first 7 miles were flat and then the rest of the mileage was on hills. I averaged 9:22 pace. This time I also tried a different gel. Because of the hunger issues that I have mentioned previously, and the later Boston start, I decided to try the Accel Gel with carbs and protein. I used my regular Gu chocolate for the first 2 gels and then I used the Accel Gel for the last 2 gels. It worked great, no hunger at all and I seemed to tolerate the new gel with no issues. I will try the Accel gels a couple more times to make sure they work ok for me.
Tues. - am yoga class, and 3 mile easy recovery run pm - 10:37 avg. pace.
Wed. - met Kelly to run some rolling hills in Canebrake - 9:49 pace.
Thurs. - today I met Amber and we walked in her neighborhood for 4 miles
Fri - Race day - woo hoo - an evening run - The St. Thomas 5k 5:30 pm start - beautiful weather - around 70 degrees and low humidity at race time.
Hattiesburg American picture
So we are off. Didn't really know what to expect from the day. At this point in the week, I had already run 33 miles with a 21.5 mile run on Monday, but I was excited to be racing a 5k. I quickly started running behind a lady who was running at a good pace. I felt good early on, several early peeks at the Garmin indicated that I am moving too fast, but I feel good and I want to stay behind this lady who is doing an excellent job of pacing. She also seemed to be really strong and I felt certain she was not going to fade in the end. Hoping I can hang with her. This race is an out and back on the trail. At the turn around, I am shocked because I am still with the "lady pacer" and I still feel ok. At 2 miles it is getting really tough & I fade just a tiny bit, but toward the end I seem to close the gap a little. I am excited that I held on to the end. 23:22 - 7:38 pace. Splits - 7:30, 7:41, 7:43, :26 This 5k time is only 16 seconds slower than my pr of 23:06. Totally stoked! I haven't even been doing any speed work. Also had a chance to visit a tiny bit with some friends which is always nice.
As I am driving home, out of no where, it hits me like a storm - "PR FEVER." You may remember that I had this illness in Nov., just before the Stennis half marathon - running well - excited about a chance to PR - the whole debate of whether to "go for it" or not. I did go for it, and I did it, but just after that I was injured with the whole hip thing. So it hits me again. I have the Azalea Trail Run 10K coming up next weekend in Mobile, AL. Not sure about a pr at this one... it could happen if we continue to have cool weather, but now i really want to find a 5k to go for a pr in the 5k before the Boston marathon "does me in" for the spring. I think I will give it a try at The Run for the Roses 5k, Prentiss, MS April 10th. Trust me, when the fever hits like this, all you can do is just go with it. Gotta give it a pr days are limited.
Sat. - 5 mile hilly run in Bent Creek with Amber - our 1st run in a few months (you remember the pregnancy thing and losing my running partner last fall, she's back - woo hoo)Sun - so today - I TOTALLY DID NOT WANT to run. The wind woke me up several times during the night, and continued today. It's chilly and windy and I didn't want to do it, but my desire to get my 48 miles for the week won out. I headed out into 24 mph winds with gusts to 36 mph to get my final 6 miles for the week. During the run, I take a peak at my Garmin at 2.28 miles and this is when I noticed that I was happy to be out the door and running, even with the wind howling. When I finished the run, and laid down on the floor I had the sensation after you have when you have been on a boat all day. The wind had blown me so much on my run that I had a swaying feeling while on the floor - weird feeling for sure.
So this has been a great week of training and racing - 48 miles running, 4 miles walking, 1 yoga class. This week I will step back in mileage and will race the ATR 10K next weekend. The 10k will be my tempo run for the week. This will be my 24th year to run this race. Hard to believe it, but it's true.
That's a great 5K time particularly on no speed work. I get really slow when I stop going to the track. Something about the mind and the body forgetting how to push through pain! Have fun at the 10K
Hi Ginny,
Wow, awesome job on your St. Thomas 5k run!! That is a fantastic time! Congrats on your age group win and for those M&M's:) It looks like it was a beatiful day...I like those evening runs! Good luck on your trail run next weekend and on your continued Boston training! I am looking forward to hearing all about it!! Enjoy your week!
Great job! Sounds like a nice week of training. I did just about 42 this week too!
Great job on your 5K! That is amazing since you did not do any speedwork! Have a great week :)
Nice mileage, Ginny! It sounds like you had a fun week of running and racing. I hope(?)you recover from PR fever or at least learn to live with this illness :) ! Have a nice week, meg
Ooooooh, I don't get along with gusty wind either!
Glad you were motivated and still got out there.
Who says peanut M & M's aren't good fuel for Boston training???!!! :-) They taste awfully good to me! Great job on the 5k - that just shows that good all around training makes you strong for everything. I am with you on the later morning runs (ie winter weekends). I normally like to run/ride earlier in the mornings so when we head out later, my blood sugar is a little hay-wire. I might have to try out your regimen. Have a great week!
What a great week! Racing, Destin, what could be better?
What a fantastic week all the way around, Ginny!! Congrats on the 5K, and good luck to you this weekend. James (@alroadrunn3r) is running it, too. Can't wait to hear how you did!
Here's hoping you get that 10K PR!
Nice job on the race. Never felt like that from wind blowing me on a run. Weird.
Nice mileage! I'll be running in your general neck of the woods next week - Diamonhead, MS. Wish I was going to be down there early enough to hit that 10k!
Nice running week there, wow! You are gaining speed and strength fast and it's all coming together nicely! I have run the Azalea Trail 10K a few times back in the day I lived in AL - LOVED it! I hope it goes great for you!!!
Congrats - Very fast. Looks like Boston will be very good to you. Good luck.
I'm jealous about the peanut M&M's. Nice race. Happy training.
Those are big fish.
Ginny, my lord you are kicking some booty! Nice racing and training, keep up the excellent work, and my congrats to Chad too!
Hi Ginny,
Thanks for visiting my blog! You are right, we do have much in common. It sounds like your training for Boston is going really well. You'll do a great job. In my opinion, you already have, by improving your time so much since your first marathon and then by qualifying for Boston!! Good luck and keep up the good work.
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