Today I headed out for my tempo run along the LA Bayou to complete this weeks mileage. I warmed up with a mile, ran 4.5 miles for the tempo run, and then 12 X 13 second sprints, then a half mile cool down. Today I averaged 8:25 pace with an average heart rate of 161 for the tempo.
In continuing with my heart rate training, today the goal was to run around 161-163(85% of Max heart rate) average heart rate for the tempo. Normally, I run by pace, what I think I can run. In doing this, today, I would have attempted 8:00-8:15 pace for the 4.5 miles. I started the tempo run and was on target with my heart rate within the first half mile. (Question number 1 - should I do my warm-up for a tempo so that I am at my target tempo heart rate when I start the tempo run????) I ran by heart rate the whole way, except the first half mile when I was "getting my heart rate up to speed" I did look at my pace several times, but never adjusted my speed based on pace, only adjusting speed based on the heart rate. I must say that I felt better on this tempo run than I have felt for most of my previous tempo runs. After the run today, I know why, because normally I am likely running the tempos harder than I should be. Normally, I will kill myself trying to keep up with the pace that I think is recommended for the day. I do adjust my time a little for heat, etc. but I think I have been running them too fast.
Although I felt so much better today, and I feel it was a good quality run, I did not really like how my splits ended up (8:00, 8:13, 8:26, 8:45, 4:24). I am not sure if this is typical or not. Maybe I will become more consistent as my body becomes accustomed to running the tempos correctly (or is this the correct way to run the tempo, I am not sure). I am more or less "running in the dark" with this heart rate training plan. I do see how it will be a much better plan, but I do not know enough about it at this point to be sure that I am doing it properly. I do enjoy the challenge of running by the heart, and not the mind. I really prefer to run even splits so I really didn't like this data, but that's what my heart told me to run today.(in a typical tempo run, I do fade at the end, but my splits are much closer than this).
If anyone is educated on heart rate training and running, please give me any tips. Was it ok for my splits to be that different each mile for a tempo run? Should I do anything different?
I REALLY enjoyed this step back week. I ended with 25 miles with 3 quality runs. (hills, long, and tempo - love it). I had approximately 7 miles of walking, and 9 miles on the bike (I will likely get a few more easy miles on the bike this evening as I ride with Chad). I had one day of weights, and 3 days of "a little core work"
Week number 5 of St. George training coming up (10 weeks to go). Today I see that I have 76 days until the race (that makes me nervous). I still need a lot of training to get "ready" for the race. I have plenty of time, but it just makes me nervous. Yoga Breathing.... 40 miles for week number 5. Wed. - mile repeats, Sat. - 16 miles. The rest of the week will be "fill-in" mileage to get to 40 miles and recovery. Also another busy week of work, so it will be interesting. Will keep you posted as the week goes on.
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